Community Action Partnership

The CAP Solano JPA Board in partnership with the Tripartite Advisory Board hosted a grant writing workshop training. These materials provide background context and exercises for new grant writers to demystify the grant writing process. Please feel free to use these materials to build your own agency's capacity to write competitive grants.

You can view the materials used at the training byclicking here.

Community Service Providers

 ​​​Community Action Agency for Solano County

Collaborative Applicant for Continuum of Care Funding

Homeless Management Information System Lead Agency 

Grant Writing Workshop Materials

Community Resources

For assistance with all housing and supportive service programs for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Solano County, please contact

Resource Connect Solano:  

By Phone:  707.652.7311
By Email:

Other Community Resources

Berkeley Food and Housing Project. Berkeley Food and Housing Project provides emergency food and shelter, transitional housing, permanent housing, and housing placement with support services to homeless individuals and families.

Caminar. Caminar provides support services to the Solano community that enables people in their recovery process to live independently and self-sufficiently in accordance with their ability and choice.

Christian Help Center. The Christian Help Center provides food and shelter to individuals experiencing homelessness.

Community Action North Bay. Community Action North Bay (CAN-B) provides housing and safety net services to help individuals live healthy and productive lives. CAN-B serves veterans, individuals experiencing physical and mental disabilities, seniors, and other vulnerable persons living in Solano County who are socially and economically at risk.

Community Housing Opportunities Corporation. The Community Housing Corporation (CHOC) offers high quality, affordable, and environmentally conscious housing. CHOC also offers a variety of financial, counseling, energy saving, and health and wellness services.

The Edge Community Church. The Edge Community Church engages in street outreach and provides food and other social services to homeless and other low-income individuals in Solano County.

Fighting Back Partnership. Vallejo's Fighting Back Partnership partners with businesses, residents, and government to improve neighborhoods, strengthen families, and support youth development by helping to create a safe, healthy, and thriving community. 

Global Center for Success. Global Center for Success helps needy community members develop life skills for success by focusing on personal growth, health, wellness, and employment.

House of Purpose.House of Purpose provides permanent supportive housing to chronically homeless individuals with co-occuring disorders.

Legal Services of Northern California. Legal Services of Northern California provides a variety of legal services to low-income individuals in Solano County. The organization’s Solano County office is located in Vallejo.

Lutheran Social Services of Northern California. Lutheran Social Services provides services and housing to homeless adults in Solano County. LSS takes a holistic approach to treating people with complex needs and helping vulnerable populations regain self-sufficiency.

Mission Samoa. Mission Samoa provides rapid rehousing assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, with a particular focus on justice adjacent reentry.  

Office of U.S. Representative John Garamendi. U.S. Representative John Garamendi supports efforts to prevent and end homelessness in Solano County by advocating for a variety of federal economic, health care, and social service programs.

Opportunity House.Opportunity House provides shelter, transitional and alternative housing, support services, mentorship, and volunteer programs to help Solano County residents achieve self-sufficiency.

Resource Connect Solano.Resource Connect Solano connects Solano County residents who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness to housing and supportive services. Using the Coordinated Entry System, Resource Connect Solano identifies and facilitates the most appropriate response to each individual's immediate and long-term housing needs.

Reynaissance Family Center. Reynaissance Family Center offers transitional housing to families with children and disabilities. 

SafeQuest Solano. SafeQuest Solano provides advocacy services, safety, and support to individuals affected by domestic violence and sexual assault, including individuals who are at risk of, or are currently experiencing, homelessness.

Salvation Army. Salvation Army provides group homes, emergency shelters, transitional living centers, housing, food, and overnight lodging to individuals in need. In addition, the organization provides educational, counseling, and vocational services to Solano's most needy citizens.

Shelter Inc.  Shelter Inc. operates a homelessness shelter program in Fairfield and permanent housing programs throughout Solano County.  The organization strives to realize a vision: Re-building lives, one family at a time, by giving them a home, the skills and the resources to live the life they deserve.​

Solano Coalition for Better Health.The Solano Coalition for Better Health funds community programs designed to end the cycle of illness and disease that impacts the length and quality of life.  In collaboration with its health, education, government, business, and other community organization partners, the Coalition advocates to improve the health and quality of life in the Solano County community.

Solano County Health & Social Services. Solano County Health & Social Services offers integrated services designed to safeguard the physical, emotional, and social well-being of Solano County residents. 

Solano Dream Center.  Solano Dream Center runs nomadic seasonal emergency shelters and transitional housing programs, and provides supportive services to individuals and families at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness.

Solano Family Justice Center. SFJC offers victims of child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse and sexual assault an opportunity to build hope and new futures. The SFJC operates under the auspices of the Solano County District Attorney’s Office and has recently partnered with Resource Connect Solano to help refer survivors of domestic violence to housing and supportive service opportunities.

Solano Network of Mental Health Consumers – Circle of Friends. The Solano Network of Mental Health Consumers – Circle of Friends provides peer programs and behavioral health services to adults. The goal of the organization is to help individuals get healthier, stay well, and become vital members of the community.

Vallejo Veterans Resource Center. The Vallejo Veterans Resource Center offers homeless prevention and re-housing services, employment and training programs, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, behavioral health treatment, case management and a variety of other services to Solano County veterans.

Additional Community Resource Guides