2023 TAB Agendas and Minutes

​Tripartite Advisory Board

2024 TAB Agendas and Minutes

Agendas & Public Materials
January 22, 2024
April 8, 2024

August 19, 2024
October TBD, 2024

Community Action Partnership

Tripartite Advisory Board Archive 

 ​​​Community Action Agency for Solano County

Collaborative Applicant for Continuum of Care Funding

Homeless Management Information System Lead Agency 

Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2024
April 8, 2024 (upcoming)

August 19, 2024
October TBD, 2024 (upcoming)

The Tripartite Advisory Board consists of representatives from the public sector, low income sector, and private sector in Solano County. They provide community expertise and guide the CAP Solano JPA by recommending programs for CSBG funding. The Tripartite Advisory Board also advises the CAP Solano JPA on long-term strategic planning, identifying local priorities and needs, and encouraging funding for what Solano County needs most.

The tripartite board structure was introduced in 1964 when Congress passed the Economic Opportunity Act to ensure that Community Action Agencies were administered with the “maximum feasible participation of residents of the areas served and members of the groups served.” In 1967, the Green Amendment added a requirement that one-third of the board be composed of democratically selected representatives of the poor in the area served; and the remainder composed of officials of business, industry, labor, religious, welfare, education or other major groups and interests in the community 

Tripartite Advisory Board Members

Chair - Elizbeth Muniz-Palomera

Vice Chair - John Eckstrom

Secretary - Ryan Loofbourrow

Public Representative - Mary Decker, JR Matulac, Dr. Gethsemane Moss and Monica Brown

Private Representatives - John Eckstrom, Ryan Loofbourrow, Laura Escobar, and Rich Lynn

Low-Income Representatives - DeAndre Richard, Elizbeth Muniz-Palomera, Lisa Martin, and Ashley Banta

Tripartite Advisory Board Bylaws